Saturday, December 31, 2011

Travel Along For A Day In The Life Of A Professional Wildlife Manager Part 1

!±8± Travel Along For A Day In The Life Of A Professional Wildlife Manager Part 1

The alarm clock rang and I rolled over to see what time it was. It was 7:00 am and I needed to hit the road early today. My schedule was full and I wanted to catch an hour on the sun.

I made my usual trip to the bathroom to shower and then returned to my bedroom to get dressed in a nice clean uniform. I grabbed some breakfast and headed down the hall to my home office.

An early check of email and faxes showed just the regular stuff, with some junk mail thrown in, of course. I checked my voicemail and learned that I had to include another stop to pick up a raccoon that was caught that night. With 10 stops on the books, it was going to be a very busy day! I re-checked my schedule to figure out where to fit in this raccoon catch and penciled it in.

Heading out the door, I forwarded my office phone to the cell phone and made my way to the truck. I gave it a good look over to make sure all of my equipment I needed was on board and I was on my way.

The first appointment of the day was going to be an easy one. The young couple had squirrels in their attic and was tired of living with their "squirrel alarm clock". I checked my map to get a good idea of where they were located and rolled the truck out of the driveway.

Traffic was a little lighter at this time in the morning, so I was going to be able to get to my 8:30 am appointment with ease. Or so I thought. About halfway to my client's house, traffic ground to a halt and I needed other options. Listening to the radio, I learned that there was an accident that was going to snarl things up for another 20-30 minutes. That definitely changed things! It was time to get off on the next exit and navigate through some city streets. A quick look at the map gave me some options, but they were not going to be that good. The morning rush would be fully under way shortly and the city streets going into town would be jammed.

I managed to creep up to the next exit and made my dash to the side streets and a couple alleys to get me past the crash. I decided to get back on the highway as the traffic would now be lighter with the crash behind me. It worked! I was soon rolling uninhibited to my client's house. Life was good.

I arrived on time with a few minutes to spare. Jumping out of the truck, I was ready to tackle this squirrel problem and get on to the next job. I rang the doorbell on a nice home in Cherry Hills Village, CO and a young professional answered the door. I introduced myself and he said his name was Ken. I asked Ken to give me the details of what was the nature of the problem and asked him a few questions. I told him I would be doing an inspection of the entire house and the attic and he said, "Help yourself".

It was time to pull the ladder off the truck. I made it a point to never take the ladder off until I spoke to the client. You never know if they are going to be home or may ask you to come back at a later date. I guess experience served that one up for me. Sometimes people just forget that you are coming. But usually, they are HAPPY to see the Wildlife Pro!

I rolled the 28 foot ladder off the truck and took it over and leaned it against the wall. Eased it back and hoisted it up to the roofline. I grabbed my inspection mirror and flashlight and tape measure and was on my way up. About half way up, I paused to look at a beautiful sight. The rising sun was hitting the Colorado Rockies with such a beautiful hue that it was amazing to look at. This was one of the great perks of working outside. The great views!

I made my way up the ladder, climbed onto the roof and began my inspection. I looked at all the normal areas, the rooflines, vents etc., but couldn't find anything. Hmm. The house didn't have a chimney, so I was going to have to inspect around the rooflines from the ground and see if there was anything that I was missing.

Back down on the ground again and my perimeter search began. Nothing in the front of the house. I went around to the gate that was in the high wooden fence. A quick whistle for any dog that might be waiting to take a bite out of me revealed nothing. I opened the gate and continued my search around the house. Nothing. "This is not right," I said to myself. It was fall and the clues were not adding up right.

I went back to the truck, grabbed my respirator and my 5 foot step ladder and headed toward the attic. On the way back in, I asked Ken at what times he was hearing the noises. He said "Early morning and sometimes at night". Well, this inspection was going to take a twist, if my instincts were correct.

I headed to the master bedroom closet where Ken indicated the attic access was located. I opened the door and there it was, right up over the clothes and shelf. So, it was going to be one of those balancing acts to get into and out of this attic. I donned the respirator, turned on my light and eased the door open. The access door was set aside and I made my way up the ladder and into the attic.

It was a nice attic with high ceilings, so it wasn't all that bad. It was fall and it was cool in there which was always a welcome thing. As soon as I stepped into the attic, the cell phone rang. Murphy's Law. I let it go to my voicemail because you never sound very professional trying to talk through a respirator!

The inspection of the attic was humming right along. There were no obvious trails in the insulation, nor wiring or structural damage. Nothing. A closer inspection revealed small holes in the insulation and some small trails along the walls of the attic. Then the tell tale sign that I was expecting, mice droppings! They didn't have squirrels in their attic, it was mice.

Now for the hard part, convincing the owners that it was mice when they were sure it was squirrels. Sometimes your clients are "the experts" and you just need to convince them otherwise.

I made my way back down out of the attic, closed the access door and retrieved my step ladder. I met Ken on the way down stairs and told him that there were mice in the attic. "Mice! It sounds like a herd of elephants up there!" I assured him that it wasn't elephants and he chucked a little. I told him "Ken, there was no evidence of squirrels, only mice". He was a bit relieved to know this and I told him what his options were. We could recommend a pest control company to treat the mice and then we could seal up the home when the mice were gone. He asked for the name of the pest control company, paid me for my inspection, set up another appointment for a later date and we were all set.

I loaded up the ladders, tied them on and I was on my way again.

My next "assignment" was a little old lady (from the sound of her voice on the phone and that fact that her name was Agnus) that had a problem with cats doing their business in her flower garden. It was not far to her home from Ken's house. I checked the map for directions and was on my way once again. It was about 9:00 am and I needed to get a move on.

About 10 minutes later I was pulling up to the little old lady's house. I liked working for older people. I liked to pick their brain about how things used to be and ask them questions they never thought would come from a 25 year old kid. To them I was a kid anyway. I stepped out of the truck and knocked on the door. She met me at the door with a big smile and said, "Are you the man who is here to get rid of those dang cats?" I said, "Yes Maam!" She took me by the arm and pulled me along to her flower beds and showed me what the cats were doing. I had seen this before and knew that she was not a happy camper. Nobody would like to be digging in their flower garden and uncover a pile of "you know what."

She told me she wanted me to catch these stray cats and haul them off to the pound! I told her I could take care of that. I excused myself and headed to the truck to retrieve two cage traps. I set them up in the flower beds, baited them up well and set them. I test fired the doors to make sure they were working properly and reset them.

I went back to the truck and retrieved a service agreement and came back inside to fill everything out. The little old lady offered me some coffee and I declined the offer. Then she started to tell me how her husband would fix those cats if he was still alive. I assured her that I knew he would. Looking around the house, you could tell that there were some things that needed attention. She was a proud lady and was the type to try and do it all herself rather than ask. I admired her and her spirit. We filled out the service agreement and I asked her to call me when she saw a cat in the trap. She agreed and I was on the road again.

What is next on the agenda? Another squirrel job it looks like. Grab up the map and get my bearings and the truck roared to life. The next job was a bit further than the first job, so it was time to make up time. Let's just say that I was going a bit over the speed limit. Just a bit. I made a wrong turn onto what I thought was the road I needed and had to pull over and get my bearings again. OK..I figured out what I did wrong. Back on course again.

I remembered that I had a voicemail in my phone and picked it up to check the voicemail. I received a message about another catch that was a couple miles back from where I was. I had to swing the truck around as it would be a long way back if I didn't get this catch picked up now. Fortunately, it was a ground catch and I didn't need to use any ladders.

I wheeled the truck around and headed to the house with the catch. I rolled up the driveway, jumped out of the truck, grabbed another raccoon cage, baited it and carried it over to replace the one with the raccoon in it. I grabbed the trap with the raccoon in it, replaced it with the empty cage and headed to the truck. I was thinking to myself, this raccoon must be 40 lbs! It was a huge male that had been in plenty of trashcans and bird feeders. I loaded him up in the truck, shut the tailgate and jumped back into the truck.

Okay, back to my third appointment. The owner was not going to be home on this one, so I had some flexibility in my schedule. I grabbed the map, made some quick decisions and was rolling once again. About 20 minutes later, I was staring at my next job. Earlier in the week, I had been to this house and removed a squirrel from the fireplace. They wanted a chimney cap installed and I didn't have the size on the truck for this chimney flue. It was a big one, 18" X 18". That is a big flue for any part of the country, so I had ordered in this cap.

The ladder came off the truck and I whisked it up to the chimney. This was a very wide chimney, but it only had one flue. I hoisted the ladder up against the chimney and rested it at the top, just above the crown.

The chimney cap was unboxed and checked for any damages. I searched my tool bag for my 3/8" nut driver and couldn't find it. Great. Another snag in my day. I searched around for a minute and still couldn't find it. I grabbed my cordless drill and pouch and low and behold, there it was, on the end of my drill! Note to myself; buy two 3/8" nut drivers!

I put on my tool belt, grabbed the cap and headed up the ladder. As I was slowly making my assent, I heard someone say, "Hey, can you install one of those on my home?" I said "Sure. Let me install this one and I will be down in a minute." Great. I might have sold a cap, but this would slow me down in my already busy day.

I looked down the flue with my flashlight for a double check to make sure nothing was in it, gave it the all clear and reached for the cap. I put the cap on the flue and had to make some minor adjustments, then secured it down. I stowed my tools in my tool bag and made my way hastily down the ladder to the awaiting neighbor.

He was a neatly dressed elderly man. I walked up to him and introduced myself. I told him that I had a busy schedule, but I could do a quick measurement of the flue and I would see if I had one on the truck. He said, "Knock yourself out". I brought the ladder to the chimney, hoisted it up and flew up it. As luck would have it, you guessed it; it was the same size as the one I just installed!

I flew back down and informed him that I would need to order it, as it was an oversize flue. I told him the cost and he said "Do what you have to do". Sure was nice to not have to haggle over the price of a chimney cap! I gave him my card and told him I would call him when the cap came in. Threw the ladder on the truck and was on my way with a wave!

Okay, 4 stops down and 8 to go! The next two were to pick up animals, so I knew they were going to be quick stops. The map....hmm..Where is the map? Oh, here it is. Under the pile of invoices. I flipped through a couple of pages and found my next stop. Fired up the truck and headed down the road again.

Each and every job is new and exciting. I meet new people from all walks of life and see some pretty incredible things along the way. I remember meeting a guy one time that had a huge house. He literally had a big game room in almost every room in the house. There was an African big game room, a North America room, A South American room and it went on and on. He even had an entire elephant in his house! You don't go to many houses that have a stuffed elephant in them.

I was thinking to myself how lucky I was to be doing the job I do. It wasn't a job; it was a way of life. It was the neatest thing that I had ever done in my life. I was getting paid to have fun all day, solve people's wildlife problems and make their lives sane again. What a deal!

The next stop supposedly had a skunk in a cage. There shouldn't have been a skunk in that cage; it should have been another raccoon. Great. I pull up to the house; grab some bait and a sheet. I peek around the house and sure enough, it was a skunk. It was fast asleep, but that would change pretty quickly. There was another wooden gate that I had to go through. I eased it open and it had a sticky spot. I shoved it a little harder and it came open with a crack. Well, the skunk was asleep, but was wide awake now! I pulled the sheet up to my eyes and slowly started walking towards it.

This guy was already upset and started dancing around in the cage. The smell of skunk odor was in the air and it looked like something had been harassing this animal and got a shot of something it didn't want!

I edged my way to about 5 feet away and it let loose. Luckily for me, it was on the sheet. I continued to walk up to the cage and laid the sheet over it. I slowly...ever so slowly, opened the cage door and waited for the skunk to depart. Okay Pal, the door is open, this is your freedom staring you in the face, and it is time to get out of the cage. I propped the door open and slowly pulled back the sheet away from the door.

He or she (I wasn't about to find out) was now on their way out the cage. With this cage so fowled up, I needed to swap it out. I returned to the truck to get another cage, baited it and brought it to the backyard. I moved it to a new location away from the skunk odor and was on my way again after it was set.

I documented my paperwork and got caught up on the last two jobs invoices, checked my map and headed down the road again. It was nearing noon now and I was starting to get a little hungry. I searched for my hand wipes and cleaned my hands. I managed to get a lunch packed the night before, so it was time to grab lunch on the run. Some days were like that, but this day was busier than normal and I needed to keep on going as the days were shorter now with it being fall.

Travel Along For A Day In The Life Of A Professional Wildlife Manager Part 1

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Part 3-B - Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (Chs 07-11)

Part 3B -Chapters 7-11. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Lizzie Driver. Playlist for Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift:

Leather Padded Headboard Sale Off Bread Recipes Machines Quickly

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Development of Old Age and Related Issues

!±8± The Development of Old Age and Related Issues

In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969).

In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out into the ice-flow to die as soon as she became useless.

Western societies today usually resemble to some degree the Eskimo culture, only the "ice-flows" have names such a "Sunset Vista" and the like. Younger generations no longer assign status to the aged and their abandonment

is always in danger of becoming the social norm.

There has been a tendency to remove the aged from their homes and put them  in custodial care. To some degree the government provides domiciliary care services to prevent or delay this, but the motivation probably has more

to do with expense than humanity.

In Canada and some parts of the USA old people are being utilised as foster-grandparents in child care agencies.


What is Aging?

Aging: Aging is a natural phenomenon that refers to changes occurring throughout the life span and result in differences in structure and function between the youthful and elder generation.

Gerontology: Gerontology is the study of aging and includes science, psychology and sociology.

Geriatrics: A relatively new field of medicine specialising in the health problems of advanced age.

Social aging: Refers to the social habits and roles of individuals with respect to their culture and society. As social aging increases individual usually experience a decrease in meaningful social interactions.

Biological aging: Refers to the physical changes in the body systems during the later decades of life. It may begin long before the individual  reaches chronological age 65.

Cognitive aging: Refers to decreasing ability to assimilate new information and learn new behaviours and skills.


Eric Erikson (Youth and the life cycle. Children. 7:43-49 Mch/April 1960) developed an "ages and stages" theory of human

development that involved 8 stages after birth each of which involved a basic dichotomy representing best case and worst case outcomes. Below are the dichotomies and their developmental relevance:

Prenatal stage - conception to birth.

1. Infancy. Birth to 2 years - basic trust vs. basic distrust. Hope.

2. Early childhood, 3 to 4 years - autonomy vs. self doubt/shame. Will.

3. Play age, 5 to 8 years - initiative vs. guilt. Purpose.

4. School age, 9to 12 - industry vs. inferiority. Competence.

5. Adolescence, 13 to 19 - identity vs. identity confusion. Fidelity.

6. Young adulthood - intimacy vs. isolation. Love.

7. Adulthood, generativity vs. self absorption. Care.

8. Mature age- Ego Integrity vs. Despair. Wisdom.

This stage of older adulthood, i.e. stage 8, begins about the time of retirement and continues throughout one's life. Achieving ego integrity  is a sign of maturity while failing to reach this stage is an indication of poor development in prior stages through the life course.

Ego integrity: This means coming to accept one's whole life and reflecting on it in a positive manner. According to Erikson, achieving

integrity means fully accepting one' self and coming to terms with death. Accepting responsibility for one's life and being able to review

the past with satisfaction is essential. The inability to do this leads to despair and the individual will begin to fear death. If a favourable balance is achieved during this stage, then wisdom is developed.

Psychological and personality aspects:

Aging has psychological implications. Next to dying our recognition that we are aging may be one of the most profound shocks we ever receive. Once we pass the invisible line of 65 our years are bench marked for the remainder of the game of life. We are no longer "mature age" we are instead classified as "old", or "senior citizens". How we cope with the changes we face and stresses of altered status depends on our basic personality. Here are 3 basic personality types that have been identified. It may be a oversimplification but it makes the point about personality effectively:

a. The autonomous - people who seem to have the resources for self-renewal. They may be dedicated to a goal or idea and committed to continuing productivity. This appears to protect them somewhat even against physiological aging.

b.The adjusted - people who are rigid and lacking in adaptability but are supported by their power, prestige or well structured routine. But if their situation changes drastically they become psychiatric casualties.

c.The anomic. These are people who do not have clear inner values or a protective life vision. Such people have been described as prematurely resigned and they may deteriorate rapidly.

Summary of stresses of old age.

a. Retirement and reduced income. Most people rely on work for self worth, identity and social interaction. Forced retirement can be demoralising.

b. Fear of invalidism and death. The increased probability of falling prey to illness from which there is no recovery is a continual

source of anxiety. When one has a heart attack or stroke the stress becomes much worse.

Some persons face death with equanimity, often psychologically supported by a religion or philosophy. Others may welcome death as an end to suffering or insoluble problems and with little concern for life or human existence. Still others face impending death with suffering of great stress against which they have no ego defenses.

c. Isolation and loneliness. Older people face inevitable loss of loved ones, friends and contemporaries. The loss of a spouse whom one has depended on for companionship and moral support is particularly distressing. Children grow up, marry and become preoccupied or move away. Failing memory, visual and aural impairment may all work to make social interaction difficult. And if this

then leads to a souring of outlook and rigidity of attitude then social interaction becomes further lessened and the individual may not even utilise the avenues for social activity that are still available.

d. Reduction in sexual function and physical attractiveness. Kinsey et al, in their Sexual behaviour in the human male,

(Phil., Saunders, 1948) found that there is a gradual decrease in sexual activity with advancing age and that reasonably gratifying patterns of sexual activity can continue into extreme old age. The aging person also has to adapt to loss of sexual attractiveness in a society which puts extreme emphasis on sexual attractiveness. The adjustment in self image and self concept that are required can be very hard to make.

e. Forces tending to self devaluation. Often the experience of the older generation has little perceived relevance to the problems of the young and the older person becomes deprived of participation in decision making both in occupational and family settings. Many parents are seen as unwanted burdens and their children may secretly wish they would die so they can be free of the burden and experience some financial relief or benefit. Senior citizens may be pushed into the role of being an old person with all this implies in terms of self devaluation.

4 Major Categories of Problems or Needs:



Income maintenance.

Interpersonal relations.


Physiological Changes: Catabolism (the breakdown of protoplasm) overtakes anabolism (the build-up of protoplasm). All body systems are affected and repair systems become slowed. The aging process occurs at different rates in different individuals.

Physical appearance and other changes:

Loss of subcutaneous fat and less elastic skin gives rise to wrinkled appearance, sagging and loss of smoothness of body contours. Joints stiffen and become painful and range of joint movement becomes restricted, general

mobility lessened.

Respiratory changes:

Increase of fibrous tissue in chest walls and lungs leads restricts respiratory movement and less oxygen is consumed. Older people more likelyto have lower respiratory infections whereas young people have upper respiratory infections.

Nutritive changes:

Tooth decay and loss of teeth can detract from ease and enjoyment in eating. Atrophy of the taste buds means food is inclined to be tasteless and this should be taken into account by carers. Digestive changes occur from lack of exercise (stimulating intestines) and decrease in digestive juice production. Constipation and indigestion are likely to follow as a result. Financial problems can lead to the elderly eating an excess of cheap carbohydrates rather than the more expensive protein and vegetable foods and this exacerbates the problem, leading to reduced vitamin intake and such problems as anemia and increased susceptibility to infection.

Adaptation to stress:

All of us face stress at all ages. Adaptation to stress requires the consumption of energy. The 3 main phases of stress are:

1. Initial alarm reaction. 2. Resistance. 3. Exhaustion

and if stress continues tissue damage or aging occurs. Older persons have had a lifetime of dealing with stresses. Energy reserves are depleted and the older person succumbs to stress earlier than the younger person. Stress is cumulative over a lifetime. Research results, including experiments with animals suggests that each stress leaves us more vulnerable to the next and that although we might think we've "bounced back" 100% in fact each stress leaves it scar. Further, stress is psycho-biological meaning

the kind of stress is irrelevant. A physical stress may leave one more vulnerable to psychological stress and vice versa. Rest does not completely restore one after a stressor. Care workers need to be mindful of this and cognizant of the kinds of things that can produce stress for aged persons.

COGNITIVE CHANGE Habitual Behaviour:

Sigmund Freud noted that after the age of 50, treatment of neuroses via psychoanalysis was difficult because the opinions and reactions of older people were relatively fixed and hard to shift.

Over-learned behaviour: This is behaviour that has been learned so well and repeated so often that it has become automatic, like for example typing or running down stairs. Over-learned behaviour is hard to change. If one has lived a long time one is likely to have fixed opinions and ritualised behaviour patterns or habits.

Compulsive behaviour: Habits and attitudes that have been learned in the course of finding ways to overcome frustration and difficulty are very hard to break. Tension reducing habits such as nail biting, incessant humming, smoking or drinking alcohol are especially hard to change at any age and particularly hard for persons who have been practising them over a life time.

The psychology of over-learned and compulsive behaviours has severe implications for older persons who find they have to live in what for them is a new and alien environment with new rules and power relations.

Information acquisition:

Older people have a continual background of neural noise making it more difficult for them to sort out and interpret complex sensory

input. In talking to an older person one should turn off the TV, eliminate as many noises and distractions as possible, talk slowly

and relate to one message or idea at a time.

Memories from the distant past are stronger than more recent memories. New memories are the first to fade and last to return.

Time patterns also can get mixed - old and new may get mixed.


Intelligence reaches a peak and can stay high with little deterioration if there is no neurological damage. People who have unusually high intelligence to begin with seem to suffer the least decline. Education and stimulation also seem to play a role in maintaining intelligence.

Intellectual impairment. Two diseases of old age causing cognitive decline are Alzheimer's syndrome and Pick's syndrome. In Pick's syndrome there is inability to concentrate and learn and also affective responses are impaired.

Degenerative Diseases: Slow progressive physical degeneration of cells in the nervous system. Genetics appear to be an important factor. Usually start after age 40 (but can occur as early as 20s).

ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Degeneration of all areas of cortex but particularly frontal and temporal lobes. The affected cells actually die. Early symptoms resemble neurotic disorders: Anxiety, depression, restlessness sleep difficulties.

Progressive deterioration of all intellectual faculties (memory deficiency being the most well known and obvious). Total mass of the brain decreases, ventricles become larger. No established treatment.

PICK'S DISEASE Rare degenerative disease. Similar to Alzheimer's in terms of onset, symptomatology and possible genetic

aetiology. However it affects circumscribed areas of the brain, particularly the frontal areas which leads to a loss of normal affect.

PARKINSON'S DISEASE Neuropathology: Loss of neurons in the basal ganglia.

Symptoms: Movement abnormalities: rhythmical alternating tremor of extremities, eyelids and tongue along with rigidity of the muscles and slowness of movement (akinesia).

It was once thought that Parkinson's disease was not associated with intellectual deterioration, but it is now known that there is an association between global intellectual impairment and Parkinson's where it occurs late in life.

The cells lost in Parkinson's are associated with the neuro-chemical Dopamine and the motor symptoms of Parkinson's are associated the dopamine deficiency. Treatment involves administration of dopamine precursor L-dopa which can alleviate symptoms including intellectual impairment. Research suggests it may possibly bring to the fore emotional effects in patients who have had

psychiatric illness at some prior stage in their lives.

AFFECTIVE DOMAIN In old age our self concept gets its final revision. We make a final assessment of the value of our lives and our balance of success and failures.

How well a person adapts to old age may be predicated by how well the person adapted to earlier significant changes. If the person suffered an emotional crisis each time a significant change was needed then adaptation to the exigencies of old age may also be difficult. Factors such as economic security, geographic location and physical health are important to the adaptive process.

Need Fulfilment: For all of us, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, we are not free to pursue the higher needs of self actualisation unless the basic needs are secured. When one considers that many, perhaps most, old people are living in poverty and continually concerned with basic survival needs, they are not likely to be happily satisfying needs related to prestige, achievement and beauty.

Maslow's Hierarchy



Belonging, love, identification

Esteem: Achievement, prestige, success, self respect

Self actualisation: Expressing one's interests and talents to the full.

Note: Old people who have secured their basic needs may be motivated to work on tasks of the highest levels in the hierarchy - activities concerned with aesthetics, creativity and altruistic matters, as compensation for loss of sexual attractiveness and athleticism. Aged care workers fixated on getting old people to focus on social activities may only succeed in frustrating and irritating them if their basic survival concerns are not secured to their satisfaction.


Social aging according to Cumming, E. and Henry, W. (Growing old: the aging process of disengagement, NY, Basic 1961) follows a well defined pattern:

1. Change in role. Change in occupation and productivity. Possibly change

in attitude to work.

2. Loss of role, e.g. retirement or death of a husband.

3. Reduced social interaction. With loss of role social interactions are

diminished, eccentric adjustment can further reduce social interaction, damage

to self concept, depression.

4. Awareness of scarcity of remaining time. This produces further curtailment of

activity in interest of saving time.

Havighurst, R. et al (in B. Neugarten (ed.) Middle age and aging, U. of Chicago, 1968) and others have suggested that disengagement is not an inevitable process. They believe the needs of the old are essentially the same as in middle age and the activities of middle age should be extended as long as possible. Havighurst points out the decrease in social interaction of the aged is often largely the

result of society withdrawing from the individual as much as the reverse. To combat this he believes the individual must vigorously resist the limitations of his social world.

DEATH The fear of the dead amongst tribal societies is well established. Persons who had ministered to the dead were taboo and required observe various rituals including seclusion for varying periods of time. In some societies from South America to Australia it is taboo for certain persons to utter the name of the dead. Widows and widowers are expected to observe rituals in respect for the dead.

Widows in the Highlands of New Guinea around Goroka chop of one of their own fingers. The dead continue their existence as spirits and upsetting them can bring dire consequences.

Wahl, C in "The fear of death", 1959 noted that the fear of death occurs as early as the 3rd year of life. When a child loses a pet or grandparent fears reside in the unspoken questions: Did I cause it? Will happen to you (parent) soon? Will this happen to me? The child in such situations needs to re-assure that the departure is not a censure, and that the parent is not likely to depart soon. Love, grief, guilt, anger are a mix of conflicting emotions that are experienced.


Our culture places high value on youth, beauty, high status occupations, social class and anticipated future activities and achievement. Aging and dying are denied and avoided in this system. The death of each person reminds us of our own mortality.

The death of the elderly is less disturbing to members of Western society because the aged are not especially valued. Surveys have established that nurses for example attach more importance to saving a young life than an old life. In Western society there is a pattern of avoiding dealing with the aged and dying aged patient.

Stages of dying. Elisabeth Kubler Ross has specialised in working with dying patients and in her "On death and dying", NY, Macmillan, 1969, summarised 5 stages in dying.

1. Denial and isolation. "No, not me".

2. Anger. "I've lived a good life so why me?"

3. Bargaining. Secret deals are struck with God. "If I can live until...I promise to..."

4. Depression. (In general the greatest psychological problem of the aged is depression). Depression results from real and threatened loss.

5. Acceptance of the inevitable.

Kubler Ross's typology as set out above should, I believe be taken with a grain of salt and not slavishly accepted. Celebrated US Journalist David Rieff who was in June '08 a guest of the Sydney writer's festival in relation to his book, "Swimming in a sea of death: a son's memoir" (Melbourne University Press) expressly denied the validity of the Kubler Ross typology in his Late Night Live interview (Australian ABC radio) with Philip Adams June 9th '08. He said something to the effect that his mother had regarded her impending death as murder. My own experience with dying persons suggests that the human ego is extraordinarily resilient. I recall visiting a dying colleague in hospital just days before his death. He said, "I'm dying, I don't like it but there's nothing I can do about it", and then went on to chortle about how senior academics at an Adelaide university had told him they were submitting his name for a the Order of Australia (the new "Knighthood" replacement in Australia). Falling in and out of lucid thought with an oxygen tube in his nostrils he was nevertheless still highly interested in the "vain glories of the world". This observation to me seemed consistent with Rieff's negative assessment of Kubler Ross's theories.


The aged share with the young the same needs: However, the aged often have fewer or weaker resources to meet those needs. Their need for social interaction may be ignored by family and care workers.

Family should make time to visit their aged members and invite them to their homes. The aged like to visit children and relate to them through games and stories.

Meaningful relationships can be developed via foster-grandparent programs. Some aged are not aware of their income and health entitlements. Family and friends should take the time to explain these. Some aged are too proud to access their entitlements and this problem should be addressed in a kindly way where it occurs.

It is best that the aged be allowed as much choice as possible in matters related to living arrangements, social life and lifestyle.

Communities serving the aged need to provide for the aged via such things as lower curbing, and ramps.

Carers need to examine their own attitude to aging and dying. Denial in the carer is detected by the aged person and it can inhibit the aged person from expressing negative feelings - fear, anger. If the person can express these feelings to someone then that person is less likely to die with a sense of isolation and bitterness.


The following notes are my interpretation of a Dr. Depak Chopra lecture entitled, "The New Physics of Healing" which he presented to the 13th Scientific Conference of the American Holistic Medical Association. Dr. Depak Chopra is an endocrinologist and a former Chief of Staff of New England Hospital, Massachusetts. I am deliberately omitting the detail of his explanations of the more abstract, ephemeral and controversial ideas.

Original material from 735 Walnut Street, Boulder, Colorado 83002,

Phone. +303 449 6229.

In the lecture Dr. Chopra presents a model of the universe and of all organisms as structures of interacting centres of electromagnetic energy linked to each other in such a way that anything affecting one part of a system or structure has ramifications throughout the entire structure. This model becomes an analogue not only for what happens within the structure or organism itself, but between the organism and both its physical and social environments. In other words there is a correlation between psychological

conditions, health and the aging process. Dr. Chopra in his lecture reconciles ancient Vedic (Hindu) philosophy with modern psychology and quantum physics.

Premature Precognitive Commitment: Dr. Chopra invokes experiments that have shown that flies kept for a long time in a jar do not quickly leave the jar when the top is taken off. Instead they accept the jar as the limit of their universe. He also points out that in India baby elephants are often kept tethered to a small twig or sapling. In adulthood when the elephant is capable of pulling over a medium sized tree it can still be successfully tethered to a twig! As another example he points to experiments in which fish are bred on

2 sides of a fish tank containing a divider between the 2 sides. When the divider is removed the fish are slow to learn that they can now swim throughout the whole tank but rather stay in the section that they accept as their universe. Other experiments have demonstrated that kittens brought up in an environment of vertical stripes and structures, when released in adulthood keep bumping into anything aligned horizontally as if they were unable to see anything that is horizontal. Conversely kittens brought up in an environment of horizontal stripes when released bump into vertical structures, apparently unable to see them.

The whole point of the above experiments is that they demonstrate Premature Precognitive Commitment. The lesson to be learned is that our sensory apparatus develops as a result of initial experience and how we've been taught to interpret it.

What is the real look of the world? It doesn't exist. The way the world looks to us is determined by the sensory receptors we have and our interpretation of that look is determined by our premature precognitive commitments. Dr Chopra makes the point that less than a billionth of the available stimuli make it into our nervous systems. Most of it is screened, and what gets through to us is whatever we are

expecting to find on the basis of our precognitive commitments.

Dr. Chopra also discusses the diseases that are actually caused by mainstream medical interventions, but this material gets too far away from my central intention. Dr. Chopra discusses in lay terms the physics of matter, energy and time by way of establishing the wider context of our existence. He makes the point that our bodies including the bodies of plants are mirrors of cosmic rhythms and exhibit changes correlating even with the tides.

Dr. Chopra cites the experiments of Dr. Herbert Spencer of the US National Institute of Health. He injected mice with Poly-IC, an immuno-stimulant while making the mice repeatedly smell camphor. After the effect of the Poly-IC had worn off he again exposed the mice to the camphor smell. The smell of camphor had the effect of causing the mice's immune system to automatically strengthen

as if they had been injected with the stimulant. He then took another batch of mice and injected them with cyclophosphamide which tends to destroy the immune system while exposing them to the smell of camphor. Later after being returned to normal just the smell of camphor was enough to cause destruction of their immune system. Dr. Chopra points out that whether or not camphor enhanced or

destroyed the mice's immune system was entirely determined by an interpretation of the meaning of the smell of camphor. The interpretation is not just in the brain but in each cell of the organism. We are bound to our imagination and our

early experiences.

Chopra cites a study by the Massachusetts Dept of Health Education and Welfare into risk factors for heart disease - family history, cholesterol etc. The 2 most important risk factors were found to be psychological measures - Self  Happiness Rating and Job Satisfaction. They found most people died of heart disease on a Monday!

Chopra says that for every feeling there is a molecule. If you are experiencing tranquillity your body will be producing natural valium. Chemical changes in the brain are reflected by changes in other cells including blood cells. The brain produces neuropeptides and brain structures are chemically tuned to these neuropeptide receptors. Neuropeptides (neurotransmitters) are the chemical concommitants of thought. Chopra points out the white blood cells (a part of the immune system) have neuropeptide receptors and are "eavesdropping" on our thinking. Conversely the immune system produces its own neuropeptides which can influence the nervous system. He goes on to say that cells in all parts of the body including heart and kidneys for example also produce neuropeptides and

neuropeptide sensitivity. Chopra assures us that most neurologists would agree that the nervous system and the immune system are parallel systems.

Other studies in physiology: The blood interlukin-2 levels of medical students decreased as exam time neared and their interlukin receptor capacities also lowered. Chopra says if we are having fun to the point of exhilaration our natural interlukin-2 levels become higher. Interlukin-2 is a powerful and very expensive anti-cancer drug. The body is a printout of consciousness. If we could change the way we look at our bodies at a genuine, profound level then our bodies would actually change.

On the subject of "time" Chopra cites Sir Thomas Gall and Steven Hawkins, stating that our description of the universe as having a past, present, and future are constructed entirely out of our interpretation of change. But in

reality linear time doesn't exist.

Chopra explains the work of Alexander Leaf a former Harvard Professor of Preventative Medicine who toured the world investigating societies where people  lived beyond 100 years (these included parts of Afghanistan, Soviet Georgia, Southern Andes). He looked at possible factors including climate, genetics, and diet. Leaf concluded the most important factor was the collective perception of aging in these societies.

Amongst the Tama Humara of the Southern Andes there was a collective belief that the older you got the more physically able you got. They had a tradition of running and the older one became then generally the better at running one got. The best runner was aged 60. Lung capacity and other measures actually improved with age. People were healthy until well into their 100s and died in their sleep. Chopra remarks that things have changed since the introduction of Budweiser (beer) and TV.

[DISCUSSION: How might TV be a factor in changing the former ideal state of things?]

Chopra refers to Dr. Ellen Langor a former Harvard Psychology professor's work. Langor advertised for 100 volunteers aged over 70 years. She took them to a Monastery outside Boston to play "Let's Pretend". They were divided into 2 groups each of which resided in a different part of the building. One group, the control group spent several days talking about the 1950s. The other group, the experimental group had to live as if in the year 1959 and talk about it in the present tense. What appeared on their TV screens were the old newscasts and movies. They read old newspapers and magazines of the period. After 3 days everyone was photographed and the photographs judged by independent judges who knew nothing of the nature of the experiment. The experimental group seemed to

have gotten younger in appearance. Langor then arranged for them to be tested for 100 physiological parameters of aging which included of course blood pressure, near point vision and DHEA levels. After 10 days of living as if in 1959 all parameters had reversed by the equivalent of at least 20 years.

Chopra concludes from Langor's experiment: "We are the metabolic end product of our sensory experiences. How we interpret them depends on the collective mindset which influences individual biological entropy and aging."

Can one escape the current collective mindset and reap the benefits in longevity and health? Langor says, society won't let you escape. There are too many reminders of how most people think linear time is and how it expresses itself in entropy and aging - men are naughty at 40 and on social welfare at 55, women reach menopause at 40 etc. We get to see so many other people aging and dying that it sets the pattern that we follow.

Chopra concludes we are the metabolic product of our sensory experience and our interpretation gets structured in our biology itself. Real change comes from change in the collective consciousness - otherwise it cannot occur within the individual.


Chopra, D. The New Physics of Healing. 735 Walnut Street, Boulder, Colorado 83002,

Phone. +303 449 6229.

Coleman, J. C. Abnormal psychology and modern life. Scott Foresman & Co.

Lugo, J. and Hershey, L. Human development a multidisciplinary approach to the psychology of individual growth, NY, Macmillan.

Dennis. Psychology of human behaviour for nurses. Lond. W. B.Saunders.

The Development of Old Age and Related Issues

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

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  • Brushed metal finish blends with any décor
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Monday, December 12, 2011

Chapter 14 - Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis

Chapter 14. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mike Vendetti. Playlist for Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis:

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Friday, December 9, 2011

How to Make Timber Stairs

!±8± How to Make Timber Stairs

Timber stairs can be introduced to an existing stair way without a lot of demolitions. The concrete can be changed including the side railings and balustrades. The design for the railings can be timber or wrought iron. The important thing to note is the size of the treads and risers. The position of the handrail is also important since some developers save costs by fixing it on the adjacent wall. Different designs can be adopted for the king posts.

Timber stairs should be made of hardwood. Start by measuring the risers and treads then the width and size of landing. Remove the existing railings to allow for new ones to be fixed. Cut the timber risers and treads to fit to the concrete ones. Drill holes at every alternate tread for the balusters. Use a flat plate bolted into the concrete for the three king posts. Screw them onto the plate at the bottom, landing and top of the flight.

Timber staircase landing use boards of twenty five milliners tongue and grove. This boards are screwed into the landing concrete. The next stage is to fix the treads and risers. For each tread that has a baluster at the edge cut for this to fit. Slip the riser into the groove overhang of each tread. Drill and screw them onto the concrete. Surrey that the overhangs on the side and on the steps are at least twenty five millimeters off the concrete edge.

In timbers stairs the handrails are fixed onto the king posts and balustrades. If the spacing of the is not more than two hundred millimeters then no railings are required to be fixed. Fix the handrail and ensure the top and bottom ends are smooth for safety. Sand the timber surfaces and polish as desired. Make good any cracked concrete, plaster or floor tiles. Use either Matt or glossy varnish to give good aesthetics for the hardwood finish.

How to Make Timber Stairs

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Part 9 (Chs 41-44) - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain

Part 9 (Chs 41-44). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by John Greenman. Playlist for A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain:

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Alzheimer's: Creating a Safe, Soothing Place for Your Loved One

!±8± Alzheimer's: Creating a Safe, Soothing Place for Your Loved One

Alzheimer's disease causes more than memory loss. Patients develop visual agnosia, the inability to identify objects and people. They develop auditory agnosia, the inability to process sounds, and other agnosias as well. These mental failures are painful to witness.

You can't change the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but you can create a safe and soothing place for your loved one.

Perhaps your loved one has moved in with you. Even if your loved one is in a nursing home you may influence - and perhaps change - the living space to meet his or her needs. These action steps are a starting place. As your loved one's disease progresses you will think of other ways to help.

1. REMOVE CLUTTER. Too much clutter is upsetting and makes it harder for your loved one to find things. Clear off the bureau, bedside table, and other surfaces. You may wish to buy open boxes for storage. I bought a bathroom shelf for my mother, the kind that goes above the toilet and is held in place with springs. Open shelving made it easier for her to store and find things.

2. CLEAR PATHWAYS. Remove scatter rugs and make sure there are no doorway obstructions. Shorten or wind up long electrical cords that could trip your loved one. Move furniture away from the middle of the room if your loved one uses a walker.

3. ARRANGE FURNITURE. The furniture arrangement depends on the degree of your loved one's dementia. Plan the arrangement on paper first. I arranged the furniture in my mother's studio apartment. The couch was across from her bookshelf, which held Mom's "treasures." Her small eating table and chairs were in front of the window so she could enjoy the view. After you have arranged the furniture leave it in place.

4. USE VISUAL CLUES. The Canadian Government, in an Internet article called "At Home With Alzheimer's Disease," says you should "mark the door of the AD person's apartment in a very distinct way, perhaps with a photograph, a wreath, or a flag of some sort." I hung a heart wreath on the door of my mother's apartment. Thanks to the wreath, Mom always knew which door was hers. Experiment with other visual clues, such as a picture of socks on the front of a sock drawer.

5. INCLUDE FAMILIAR THINGS. "Alzheimer's: Soothing the Transition on Moving Day," an article on, says it's important for the Alzheimer's patient to have some familiar things. "Familiar belongings can trigger feelings of ownership and boost your loved one's sense of security," the article notes. My mother felt secure in her studio apartment because she had her own bedroom furniture, eating table, and favorite chair.

6. CHOOSE CALM COLORS. Nancy L Mace and Peter V. Rabins, MD, authors of "The 36-Hour Day," say "brain impaired people may be less able to distinguish between similar color intensities." Your loved one may not be able to tell the difference between light blue and light green, for example. Bright colors may be upsetting. That's why The Greater Illinois chapter of the Alzheimer's Association recommends "soothing pastel shades such as peach, pink, beige, ivory, light blues, greens and lavenders."

7. MARK SPACE WITH COLOR. The contrast between light walls and dark hand rails will help your loved one to distinguish space. The authors of "The 36-Hour Day" suggest painting stair risers and treads in contrasting colors. Mace and Rabins also say you should "outline doors, mantlepieces, and other things the person bumps into with bright tape in a contrasting color and color intensity."

8. BE CAREFUL WITH PATTERN. "Patients with AD see and hear things that have no basis in reality," according to the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center in San Diego, CA. This point is made in an Internet story from The Greater Illinois chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. Apparently the residents of one nursing home thought the vines on the wallpaper were snakes and they kept beating the walls. At this time of life plain fabrics and wallcoverings are better choices for your loved one.

9. HAVE ENOUGH LIGHT. Accidents can happen in dimly lit areas or areas with lots of shadows. Make sure the is enough light, especially in the bathroom. Put a night light next to the bed and mark the way to the bathroom with additional night lights. "The 36-Hour Day," says putting reflective tape around the bathroom door may also help your loved one at night.

10. CUT THE GLARE. Buy flat paint instead of gloss to cut down on glare. The floor should also have a non-glare surface. You may also reduce glare by hanging sheer drapes at the window and installing blinds. Use soft light bulbs in lamps. If your loved one is severely demented, close the curtains at night and cover up mirrors.

11. PREVENT WANDERING. Hang small posters on the doors to keep your loved one from wandering. You may also hang beaded curtains in open doorways. Install door and window locks in unusual and/or hidden places. The Canadian Government, in its publication "At Home With Alzheimer's Disease," recommends two locks - a chain lock and a dead bolt - on exit doors. If you have a door that opens onto a busy street hang a red STOP sign on the door.

12. ADD LIFE. A growing plant can give your loved one weeks of pleasure. Before you buy a plant, however, make sure it isn't toxic. Provide a watering can if your loved one is still able to water the plant. (Check for spills later.) Watching fish is also pleasurable for those with Alzheimer's, but if you buy fish you should care for them. Your loved one may also benefit from pet therapy.

These action steps will help your loved one to feel safer and calmer. As his or her dementia progresses you will have to take more action steps. The best action step you can take is to keep saying "I love you."

Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson.

Alzheimer's: Creating a Safe, Soothing Place for Your Loved One

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Adventure 08 - The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Chapter 05 - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Chapter 5. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Elizabeth Klett. Playlist for Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë:

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stair Renovation Made Easy

!±8± Stair Renovation Made Easy

Many homeowners and Do-It-Yourselfers would like to change their plain, carpeted staircase into a beautiful oak stair that would add elegance and style to their home. This could be a very costly endeavor. Or with the right products and a helping hand from your stair expert, it could prove relatively inexpensive.

Changing carpeted treads to red oak or maple is a process that has been simplified by the new RetroTread™ from Young Manufacturing. Depending on your existing tread design, these tread caps can be placed over the existing treads with minimal modifications. In most cases, removing the old treads is not necessary, which saves a great deal of time and money.

The unique design of RetroTread™ provides strength at the nosing while maintaining the same thickness of the removed carpet for a uniform riser height and code compliance. The riser height is an important safety issue which is why a standard 1" thick tread can't be used. Installation is easy. First remove the carpet. Then cut off the nosing of the existing treads. Apply a riser material to cover the rough riser. Cut to length and install the tread cap. No longer is it necessary to replace the entire stair. Now, with RetroTread™, in most cases, a new staircase can be achieved easily by the accomplished Do-It-Yourselfer.

The balusters or pickets can be upgraded in much the same way. The outdated square balusters can be replaced with square top balusters with a turned design. Again, this can be accomplished without removing or replacing the handrail. Simply by using the same bottom holes and by replacing the fillet in the plowed rail (or in some applications by using the same holes in the handrail) the balusters can be easily installed, without rail replacement.

For the rich look of wrought iron, a new product from Crown Heritage called the Transformer System works in much the same way as the wood baluster replacement in that removal of the handrail is not required. A demonstration video at shows how easy it is to upgrade from wood to iron balusters.

All of these upgrades can be achieved by the DIY or local stair builder. Your stair part supplier can help you with any questions and walk you through the installation process.

Stair Renovation Made Easy

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Child Safety Dangers in the Home - The Kitchen and Stairs

!±8± Child Safety Dangers in the Home - The Kitchen and Stairs

Although any house cannot be 100% child safe there are some simple precautions parents can take to reduce the risk of accident or injury of your children within the home. Here we look at some of the key dangers present within the kitchen and stairs areas of your home and what steps you can take to minimise the risks.


One of the most common accidents in the home is young children falling downstairs. You can actively take steps to ensure that there are no loose floor coverings or trailing wires at the top of your stairs from which your child may trip and fall. If your staircase has stair spindles make sure that the gap between each spindle is no more than four inches. Childrens head can easily become stuck within gaps any bigger than this, therefore, if your spindles are wider than 4 inches take steps to protect these hazardous openings.

Make sure you have sufficient lighting over your stairs to prevent tripping on small objects which will remain unseen if there is insufficient light to illuminate your path. If your stairs lead to your front door ensure that it is secure and your child cannot reach the lock. If you have a low-lying lock mechanism which a child can reach, make sure it is locked with the key removed whilst at the same time ensuring the key is close by the door (yet out of reach) in case of any emergencies.


Without doubt one of the most potentially hazardous areas in the house to young children is the kitchen. Scalds, Burns and poisoning from cleaning products are the most common accidents to occur within our kitchens. To prevent unannounced access by your child into the kitchen area ensure you have a safety gate fitted to prevent your child entering without your knowledge. Ensure that knives and any other sharp objects are not within a child's reach and fit child safety catches to all floor level cupboards, drawers and fridges. To avoid burns and scalds, wherever possible cook on the rear burners of your oven or hob also ensuring that the panhandles are facing away from reach. Make sure that any household cleaning agents are secure in a cupboard where your child or toddler cannot reach and also ensure that tops of bottles are all correctly screwed on.

Taking just these few simple steps can help secure your home from danger thereby protecting the safety of you and your children from harm.

Child Safety Dangers in the Home - The Kitchen and Stairs

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Child Safety Gates

!±8± Child Safety Gates

As babies become toddlers, they want to be everywhere. They're crawling or starting to walk in their staggering way throughout the house. With that change, stairs, cooking areas, swimming pools and decks can become threats to a child's safety. Since it is almost impossible to keep them away from these areas and still accomplish anything else, a great solution to this problem is child safety gates.

Safety Gate Types

Child safety gates come in three general types: Hardware mounted gates; pressure mounted gates and walk-through gates. Hardware mounted gates have each end of the gate connected to a wall stud by lag screws or other large screws or bolts. If for some reason a stud is not available at the point of proposed connection to the wall, then a special mounting kit can be purchased which facilitates connection to a stud. Once the mounting plate in the kit is secured to the stud, then the gate fastens to it, forming a solid and dependable barrier. This is the ideal and mandatory gate to use at the head of a set of stairs.

The pressure mounted gate, as the name suggests, is designed to exert outward pressure at each end, holding the gate firmly between two walls in a hall, for example. This style is fine for restriction of movement all on the same level. It will fit unusually shaped areas, and it is mobile. Thus, it works while traveling or as a gate at grandma's house whenever the grandchild comes to visit. It can easily be taken down and stored when it's not needed. NEVER use this type of gate at the head of a set of stairs because the child could put enough weight against it to slide the gate out of position, causing the child to tumble down the stairs.

The third type is the walk-through gate. In this device, there is a solid gate or barrier with a hinged gate built into one end of it. It allows an adult to walk through it, but not the child. The gate must always be kept latched.

General Gate Precautions

The slats in all gates should be vertical so that the child cannot climb over it and should be no more than four inches apart. Solid mesh or expandable mesh gates should be avoided because the mesh material can allow a child to climb over the gate. Be sure to latch every gate each time it is used. Now for the tough one for parents: Don't step over a gate rather than opening it. Your child will see this and try to mimic you as they get older. All gates should have the American Society of Testing and Materials International (ASTMI) or Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) certification. The JPMA standards are based on the ASTM standards, so both arrive at the same end.

There are three types of child safety gates, including hardware mounted, pressure mounted and walk-through gates. Hardware mounted will always provide the sturdiest barrier to keep a child safe. The other two types fill other special niches, such as the pressure mounted version's mobility. Always be sure to purchase child safety gates that are ASTM or JPMA approved. Following these simple guidelines will help keep our children and grandchildren safe.

We invite you to visit us at for more information for baby, toddler and child safety.

While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information presented here is correct, contents and any links are not warranted for accuracy or any other implied or explicit purposes and are for information only.

Child Safety Gates

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